Terms & Conditions for volunteers
Volunteer benefits:
- Work two shifts = get free access to by:Larm conference and festival
- Volunteer tee
- One meal per shift
- Good work experiences and a voluntary certificate (if requested)
By accepting the terms, I commit to:
- Show up to my two agreed shifts, ready to work in my by:Larm volunteer t-shirt
- Show up sober and on time, and work until my shift is over
- Not drink alcohol when representing the festival in my volunteer tee
- Not act unkind or insulting by:Larms name or reputation in any way when wearing my volunteer tee
- To participate as a volunteer during by:Larm 2024. If I'm prevented in any way I will contact the volunteer coordinator as soon as possible, because I know that the festival is relying on my help.
- Contact the volunteer coordinator if I’m running late for my shift
- Provide a sick leave if I’m sick the day I’m supposed to work
- To be a good ambassador for the festival by bringing my best smile and a lot of patience (That’s also the best way to get new friends)
By accepting the terms I confirm that I’m 18 years or older.
I understand that if I do not show up to the agreed shifts, and have checked in as a volunteer I will receive an invoice for a full price delegate pass.