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Barbro inntar scenen på by:Larm og leverer en sjelfull opptreden med både folkballader og protestlåter. Siden debutsingelen "I’m fine" i 2021 har den dansk-nederlandske singer-songwriteren gitt ut en rekke rå og ærlige komposisjoner som har høstet kritikerros. De har til og med mottatt den danske låtskriverprisen “Carl Prisen” og musikkritikerprisen som “Hope of the Year” i 2022.

Barbros sanger er en oppfordring til handling, en fusjon av sårbarhet og samfunnsengasjement, fremført med bandets organiske lyd der stemme og strenger nesten puster sammen.

Når Barbro entrer scenen på by:Larm, har de med seg debutalbumet Bad Choices for å frigjøre sin indre rocker med tunge låter som skjelver av internett-sarkasme og tenåringsraseri. Forvent et musikalsk trøkk fra delikat tilstedeværelse til djevelsk ekstase!


Step into a world of symphonic slacker grandeur as Barbro enters the stage at by:Larm, delivering a soul-stirring performance of both folk ballads and protest tracks.

Listening to Barbro is a lot like being privy to a secret whispered in your ear. Since their debut single "I'm fine" in 2021, the Danish/Dutch singer songwriter has been on a roll, releasing a string of raw, honest compositions that have earned them critical acclaim, and even the Danish Songwriter award "Carl Prize" and the music critic prize as "Hope of the Year" in 2022.

Barbro's songs are a call to action, a fusion of vulnerability and social engagement brought to life by the band's organic sound that has voice and strings almost breathing together. However, when Barbro takes the stage on by:Larm, they come armed with their debut album Bad Choices to unleash their inner rock rebel with heavy tracks shaking with internet sarcasm and teenage fury. Beneath the gloomy surface lies a beacon of recognition that shines brightest when someone stands out.

With full expression, Barbro and band are going to perform a symphonic work of care for all of us who have run out of ‘it is what it is’s. Expect a musical gut-punch of a journey from delicate presence to devilish ecstasy!


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