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Dancing the conga



(Overraskende) søte, vittige og tidvis originale/kaotiske Dancing the conga vekker en mengde assosiasjoner og samtidig en følelse av at du aldri har hørt noe liknende. Deres debutalbum "Trying to define newpunk" er tilgjengelig for alle, overalt, så du kan forberede deg til å synge med eller la deg overraske.

Bandet er omtalt i Best akkurat nå av Anna Nor Sørensen i P3, anbefalt av musikksjef Kristin Winsents på P13, blitt beskrevet som et - oppsummert - jævlig bra band med fantastisk musikk av britiske Atwood magazine. Bandet spilte i fjor som en del av Øyafestivalens programkveld på Vill Vill Vest.

Gudmund Guren (trommer og vokal), Øyvind Skjerdal (bass, keys og vokal) og Henrik Lillehaug (gitar og vokal) utgjør denne omsorgsfulle trioen. Perfekt musikk om du for eksempel liker noe av følgende: Taylor Swift, Flaming Lips, Beatles, Phoebe Bridgers-konsernet, Knausgård eller Vampire Weekend.


(Surprisingly) sweet, witty, and at times original(!?!?)/chaotic, Dancing the conga evokes a multitude of associations while simultaneously giving you the feeling that you have never heard anything like it. Their debut album Trying to define newpunk was released on October 20, 2023, and they are celebrating the concept in concert format throughout 2024.

The band was named one to watch byAnna Nor Sørensen at NRK P3, recommended by music director Kristin Winsents on NRK P13, and described as – in summary - a damn good band with fantastic music by British Atwood magazine. They recently performed as part of Øyafestivalen’s night at Bergen festival Vill Vill Vest.

Now that the album is out, the music can speak for itself – get ready to sing along or come as a blank slate and become part of something that is most likely going to be a autumn highlight.

Gudmund Guren (drums and vocals), Øyvind Skjerdal (bass, keys, and vocals), and Henrik Lillehaug (guitar and vocals) make up this caring trio.

Perfect if you enjoy some of the following: Taylor Swift, Flaming Lips, Beatles, Phoebe Bridgers with friends, John Fante or Vampire Weekend.

  • Jury’s Selection 2024

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