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Magmakammer byr på upolert syrerock med tunge riff, fengende melodier og 1970-tallsvibber. Bandet har utmerket seg i stoner og doom-scenen i både inn-og utland med sin råe og «gjør-det-sjæl» produksjon. Når de skriver nye låter, stiller de seg spørsmålet; hvordan ville The Beatles vært om de spilte seig rock?

Trioen fra Oslo slapp sin debutplate på tyske Kozmik Artifactz i 2018. Vinylsalget gikk over all forventning, og albumet er nå ute i tredje opplag. De slapp nylig det etterlengtede andrealbumet Before I Burn til stor begeistring. Albumet landet på fjerde plass i den ærverdige Doom Charts i juli-opptellingen. Plata har mottatt mye ros og lovord.

Magmakammer gleder seg enormt til å levere stor lyd, masse fuzz og energi på by:Larm 2024!


Magmakammer offers unpolished psych rock with heavy riffage, catchy melodies, and 1970s vibes. The band has gained a lot of attention in the stoner and doom scene both in Norway and abroad with their raw sound and DIY approach. When they’re writing new tunes, they ask themselves: How would The Beatles sound if they were playing sludgy rock?

The trio from Oslo released their debut album through Kozmik Artifactz in 2018. The vinyl sales exceeded all expectations and is now in its third pressing. Magmakammer recently released their long-awaited sophomore album Before I Burn to much acclaim. The album landed a fourth place in the honourable Doom Charts in the July countdown. The album has received a lot of great reviews and praise.

Magmakammer is erupting with excitement for by:Larm 2024 and cannot wait to deliver massive walls of fuzz and energy!


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