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Nothing Personal

  • Jury's Selection


Et collage-prosjekt med en forkjærlighet for poplåter, frijazz og feltopptak.

Spira til Nothing Personal ble sådd da Solveig Wang (Fieh, HeyLove) inviterte Dorothea Økland (Klossmajor, Soft Punch) og Thea Emilie Wang til å dra rett i studio og improvisere. Med inspirasjon hentet fra jazz, hip hop, singer-songwritere, elektroakustisk musikk og pop, ønsket Nothing Personal å blande alt sammen på et så gøyalt vis som mulig og gi det rett ut til publikum.

Bandet ønsker også å utfordre det moderne låtformatet gjennom skakke vrier, ukonvensjonelle former og nye måter å bygge et lydbilde på. De sammenligner sin musikalske prosess med å være i en lab og utforske all slags lyder, låter og effekter. Nothing Personals konserter på bby:Larm 2021 er en invitasjon inn i deres rare, sultne og forvirrede sinnsstemning.


Nothing Personal came together when Solveig Wang (Fieh, HeyLove) had an idea of making a collage band. Dorothea Økland (Klossmajor, Soft Punch) and Thea Emilie Wang joined, and they went straight to the studio at Solveig’s school and recorded a bunch of improvised songs, soundscapes, samples – with a lot of laughing involved. With inspiration from jazz, hip hop, singer songwriters, electro-acoustic music and pop, the wish was to blend it all together, take a splash of personality and fun and hand it out to the listeners.

The band also aims to challenge today’s typical song format through abrupt chances, unconventional forms and new pairings of sonic material. Their approach to music is similar to being in a lab, researching all possible weird sounds, songs and effects. Nothing Personal’s concerts at by:Larm is an invitation into the weird, nice and confused minds of the musicians.

  • A collage project that loves pop songs, free jazz and field recordings
  • Jury's Selection

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