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The State of: 2022

The State of: Management panel at by:Larm 2021. Photo: Nastja Izotova
Our “The State of:” panels will give you essential knowledge about the music business today and give you the experts’ take on the future.

by:Larm’s panel series “The State of:”was started in 2020, and is essentially by:Larm’s take on The State of the Union, the US president’s yearly speech on the current condition of the nation. Like that speech,our“The State of:”panels aim to give by:Larm’s conference attendants a status update from the different fields of the music industry.

The yearly panels are The State of: Management, The State of: A&R and The State of: Live, while the other panels will change from one year to the next, depending on which trends and developments in the industry we wish to highlight from year to year. Alongside the three stayer panels, we will this year present The State of: Festivals, The State of: Digital and last, but not least The State of: Sync. Together, our “The State of:” series aims to offer a complete yearly report on the state of the music industry.

– It’s been another turbulent year for the music industry, and we have all been required to adapt to the constantly changing circumstances. Some areas have brought with them new opportunities, like in film and TV, which we will explore in The State of: Sync. On the other hand, the live industry continues to be affected by the aftereffects of the lockdown restrictions, alongside the horrible war in Ukraine. That’s why we have two live panels this year: The State of: Live, which will explore the situation for the venues, while The State of: Festivals will look at the status quo seen from the festivals’ side, says by:Larm’s Head of Conference, Erica Berthelsen.

The panels are:
The State of: Live
The State of: Festivals
The State of: A&R
The State of: Digital
The State of: Management
The State of: Sync



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